random number generator

Live Tree 'Vue' Number Gen
Vue.js, Socket.io, Node.js and MongoDB

A logic-based app using dynamic web-sockets for real-time updates. Built using Vue.js front-end, a Node.js server and custom API, MongoDB with Mongoose and Socket.io for live updates. Make sure to open two windows of the same app or one on your smartphone to see live-update functionality!

Click image for app or go to GitHub repo here

random number generator

Star Trek: React
Memory Click Game

A logic-based app using dynamic web-sockets for real-time updates. Built using Vue.js front-end, a Node.js server and custom API, MongoDB with Mongoose and Socket.io for live updates. Make sure to open two windows of the same app or one on your smartphone to see live-update functionality!

Click image for app or go to GitHub repo here

sub tracked


A subscription tracker built using Vue.js and Firebase real-time database for authentication and subscription collections.

Click image for app or go to GitHub repo here

Tea finder

Tea Finder
Node Express

A tea finder application using Node.js Express to take a survey and match your feedback to a suitable tea pairing.

Click image for app or go to GitHub repo here

Liri App

Liri App

LIRI is like iPhone's SIRI. However, while SIRI is a Speech Interpretation and Recognition Interface, LIRI is a Language Interpretation and Recognition Interface. LIRI is a node app that takes in commands and gives back Spotify song data, movie information and tweets.

Click image for app or go to GitHub repo here

Bamazon App

Node/MySQL Shopping App

An Amazon.com-like storefront which can be viewed and accessed from the perspective of the customer, manager or supervisor via Node.js Express terminal

Click image for app or go to GitHub repo here

Contact Me

Feel free to email me at taddes.korris@protonmail.com

To see more of my projects and code, feel free to look at my GitHub profile Here